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Dental implants are by far the best way to replace missing teeth that will give you a longer-lasting result. Implants also help preserve the tooth-supporting bone that deteriorates when a tooth is lost. If you have one or more missing teeth, Pinole Dentist Dr. Dalia Perez-Salinas can show you how dental implants can solve your problem permanently. Call us to today to schedule your dental visit appointment.
Missing teeth are perhaps the most obvious and challenging obstacle to a beautiful smile. For tooth replacement, there simply is no solution that is more durable or more life like than a custom-designed dental implant. A dental implant allows you to eat, smile, laugh, and talk without worrying about your teeth. Dental implants take form similar to the shape of a screw. They are placed in your jawbone to bond with your natural bone. They are then a sturdy base for an artificial tooth to be added.
Dental Implants address both the visible missing tooth and the missing tooth root under the gum. The presence of a replacement tooth root not only anchors the new tooth in place, it also protects against bone loss since it is seated into the jaw bone. The sooner you replace a missing tooth, the less likely your natural teeth are to shift out of place and create an unhealthy bite.
Dental implants are a long-term investment that can last a lifetime if they are well cared for. Pinole Dentist Dr. Dalia Perez-Salinas has many years of training and real-world experience with dental implants. She will take the time to discuss and explain the implant process, and show you before and after photos of patients who have improved their smiles with amazing implant technology. We will also answer all your questions about implants and discuss the various types to help you choose the one that fits your needs.
Learn more about how Dental Implants can improve your smile as well as your dental health. Please feel free to contact us today for more details and to schedule your dental implant consultation.